There is no cure for kidney failure.
Dialysis is a lifeline for patients waiting for a transplant, which can take years. Not every patient is able to have a kidney transplant. Patients are on a special diet and are limited to how much fluid they may drink.
Dialysis is a constant, relentless and exhausting process and the average treatment lasts for 4 hours, at least 3 times per week.
Your donation will really help to make dialysis treatment for patients more tolerable, in turn improving their quality of life.
See how we use your donations:-
Financial help
Provide emergency financial help for patients who go into renal failure quickly and cannot work.
Funding fares to allow patients in need of transport to attend essential hospital appointments and operations.
£10,000 per year to pay for professional advice to help patients regarding state benefits and debt management.
It can be surprising to learn that the NHS cannot provide everything required to meet the needs of all patients on dialysis.
£18,000 was paid by the EDKPA in the last 12 months on various items of equipment to support patients in dialysis at home and in hospital.
£650 per patient to assist with a drainage system for peritoneal dialysis machines at home.
£30-£40 for blood pressure machines for new patients
£4 per patient to hold their bloodlines clips whilst dialysing
Funding numerous TV sets and remote controls for inpatients of hospital wards and dialysis units.
£8000 + to allow patients in our area to have free access to the Kidney Beam exercise support programme.
£2000 to support patient events and leisure activities