George is raising money for RBGE to combat biodiversity loss in Scotland. Biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate and this is your chance to help.

Supporting this campaign means the Botanics can develop our biodiversity programmes in a range of projects such as:
- Maintaining and studying populations of over 80% of Scotland’s Target 8 species, aiding in their future conservation and potential reintroduction
- Collaborating with habitat managers and organisations to determine present and future site suitability for hundreds of cryptogamic species vital to forest biodiversity
- Providing evidence and developing strategies to minimise threats to Scotland’s natural environment, agricultural and horticultural sectors from emerging plant disease
- Conserving active translocation programmes for rare and threatened plant species, including montane willows (Salix spp.), alpine-blue sowthistle (Cicerbita alpina), small cow-wheat (Melampyrum sylvaticum) and oblong woodsia (Woodsia ilvensis) Scotland’s globally significant bryophytes and lichens

With this epic run spanning a distance of over 356 miles, 4 beautiful botanic gardens and 8 days, your contribution can help George to achieve this extraordinary feat and preserve our bonnie biodiversity.