Essex Wildlife Trust

Running Wild 2023

Participants are joining us in the Essex forest to take on a 5K challenge with a difference! There will be obstacles, mud, slides, swings, and water; ending with the infamous Deathslide! All to raise vital funds for wildlife in Essex.
by 195 supporters
Event: Running Wild 2023, on 10 June 2023
RCN 210065

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At Essex Wildlife Trust, our mission is to protect wildlife and inspire a lifelong love of nature.

Late spring mornings should ring out with the song of the nightingale, our evenings should be illuminated by glow worms. Hedgehogs should be snuffling through our gardens, bees and butterflies should gently flutter by and starlings should dance in the sky in their thousands.

Every person should be able to experience walking through a wildflower meadow, brimming with insects and colours, or stroll through an ancient woodland to the beat of a woodpeckers drum.

We believe we can make this vision a reality.

But our work is only possible thanks to wonderful people like you.

Thank you for helping us protect the future.

About the charity

Essex Wildlife Trust

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 210065
Essex Wildlife Trust is the county’s leading conservation charity, committed to protecting wildlife and inspiring a lifelong love of nature. The Trust protects and manages over 100 sites and is supported by 40,000 members. They work together to protect the future of wildlife & nature in Essex.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £623.26 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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