Following on from the success of our last two Shelter campaigns, as you can see from the following video, the Sher Khan Foundation has built two houses in this village (seen in mint green in the video) and our aim is to replace all of the homes.
The inside of one of the houses can be seen below, with all of the houses in the village being of the same condition.
This is the photo of the next house we are hoping to replace.

As you can see the roof is damaged, the house has no doors, and the walls are made out of mud and twigs, with the inhabitants having nowhere to shelter from the rain as the house offers little to no protection from the elements.
We're hoping to start the build in a few weeks. The Foundation has a 100% donation policy and any money left over will be put towards the next home building project.
Please help in anyway you can, and if you have any questions then please reach out to us at
with love and thanks
Head of Shelter -
For more information on our building techniques, please visit