SUDC UK is very excited about this first opportunity to bring together different families, friends and supporters to run and cheer for #TeamSUDCUK at the Royal Parks Half Marathon, raising crucial funds and awareness for our cause.
Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC)occurs in children aged 1-18 years. The cause of death remains unexplained after a thorough investigation. 40 children die without reason every year in England and Wales alone; more young children than to traffic accidents, drowning or fires. The sudden unexplained death of a child is one of the most under-recognised medical tragedies of our time.
SUDC UK's vision is for SUDC to be predictable and preventable, with a mission to raise awareness and fund vital research to better understand and ultimately prevent these tragedies. SUDC UK provides information and resources for families and professionals and brings together affected families.
Given the traumatic nature of sudden death and the impact of having a healthy child die with no obvious explanation, immediate, tailored emotional support for families is essential. For this, SUDC UK links registered families with our global partner, the SUDC Foundation, which serves over 1000 families across the world at no cost. Together SUDC UK and the SUDC Foundation help families navigate the child death process and advocate for them if they choose to embark on the difficult journey of family screening, further investigation and enrolling in research.
We are so grateful for all our fundraisers and supporters and each generous donation. Together, we will make a difference!
To learn more please visit