Piano teaching is not a regulated profession. We are working to change that by training teachers to provide a well-rounded education to their pupils, and informing parents and students to know what to look for when choosing a piano teacher.
Wherever a teacher is in their career, we will support them to be the best they can be, to inspire their students to reach their full potential and to instil a love of learning.
Your donations will help us reach more teachers, provide bursaries, and continue our work being the organisation that inspires professionals.
The PTC UK is the longest-running course of its kind, and is specifically for pianists and piano teachers who wish to enhance their professional teaching skills, come together for inspiration and become part of a motivated, supportive and co-creative musical network. It is also the ideal pathway to boosting your new career as a piano teacher, equipping you with the skills and confidence to start growing your teaching practice immediately.
The tutors are all unfailing in their encouragement and there's an utterly supportive atmosphere. All of them are approachable, accepting each of us at our own level (there is a very wide range of ability) and helping us move ahead, deciding on our own teaching and performing goals and helping us develop and grow.
Now in its 15th year, this vibrant and all-encompassing course retains its leading position in the UKs professional development for piano teachers.
The work of the PTC UK Trust will help more teachers share in the pioneering work of the Principal Tutors and see their teaching and performing skills grow, alongside their pupils increased enjoyment, whilst making life-long friends.

The Principal Tutor Team
From the very beginning of a teacher's career, we are able to support them through their own learning and development with three levels of courses designed to cover absolutely everything a piano teacher in the 21st century needs to know.
The PTC is by far the best source of information on piano teaching that I have found yet during my 8 years of teaching. I feel I have gained many years worth of knowledge and experience in just one year.
As well as raising the standard of musical education, we are also changing the lives of our teachers. Graduates have gone on to run successful piano schools and teaching studios, gained jobs in prestigious schools, and become guest lecturers on our courses in fields they have been able to explore during their time studying at the PTC.