VASL's mission is to improve the lives of those lonely and isolated in our community. We do this across a number of different projects, including:
Support for Carers - We describe a carer as someone who looks after a family member, friend or neighbour, with that person relying on their care. This can be full-time care to a few hours a week. Although caring can be very rewarding, it may also be isolating, emotionally draining, financially debilitating and impact on your own health
Our Support for Carers service helps people that care for adults (over 18) across Leicestershire with a dedicated telephone advice and support line so you can talk to a team of experienced professionals in confidence about any aspect of being a carer. We also provide:
- assistance in completing the carers assessment
- information on carers’ support groups around the county
- advice on any aspect of the caring role, including financial and legal assistance
Community Champions - Community Champions 2 reduces loneliness amongst people over 60 living on their own across Harborough District.
The services we offer are:
- Volunteer Befriending - visiting people at home, phoning, writing or emailing
- Digital skills to help older people build their digital competence and confidence
- Monthly Community Gatherings where we take people out for tea, cake and peer connection
- Specialist events for social learning and inter-generational dialogue.
Community Wellbeing Harborough - Community Wellbeing Harborough supports adults living in the Harborough District to improve their wellbeing. Our trusted, trained volunteers provide support in various ways, including weekly telephone befriending phone calls, and face to face support with accessing community activities and services. We also hold monthly Wellbeing Workshops based on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. These are approachable, relaxed sessions open to adults of all abilities.
VASL Car Scheme - Our VASL Car Scheme provides transport for elderly, disabled or rurally isolated people who can’t use, or have no access to public transport. If you don’t have a car of your own or have difficulty using public transport, the scheme could help you get to places such as the health centre, dentist, hairdressers, hospital appointments, the leisure centre or somewhere you’d like to visit.
We welcome any donation, big or small, to help us continue our mission in supporting those who are lonely or isolated.