After 30 years of faithfully firing our kiln is on its last legs.
We have been trying to pull it through since Christmas but sadly it seems the only way forward is to get a new one. We have identified the model we require and very generously the seller is willing to give us free delivery and elements for it but we still need to raise well over £3000!
Pottery is such a valuable resource; it expands people’s creativity and helps them communicate in a non verbal way and the sense of achievement in creating your own piece of art workout is huge!
Our kiln is used by local children, Islington Teenagers and adults from a local branch of Mencap.
There are very few places that are able to provide pottery classes taught by a practising professional where everyone gets to fire and glaze their work and we do so within our ethos of making art affordable for all.
Last year saw us lose the last small bit of funding we got from Islington Council and though we have been working hard to plug the funding gap and cut spending where we can the loss of our kiln couldn’t come at a worse time.
Please help keep this fantastic resource open to all those who use and depend on it!
Also we will name the new kiln after the person who gives the highest donation!