In 2014 Sue Stephen retraced the pioneering journey of anthropologist Katherine Routledge who sailed to Easter Island in 1914 from the UK, as part of the official Mana Expedition. From this project was born the Mana Scholarship for Environmental Studies, in collaboration between the Easter Island Foundation, SusieStephen (Longrunergy), and Pacific Aid Australia (PAA)The scholarship reflects a strong commitment to developing a new generation of skilled environmental practitioners for Easter Island.
The beneficiary of the scholarship must be of Rapanui ancestry, with the intention to apply his/her knowledge to the betterment of the environment on Easter Island
Our first recipient was 21 year old Francisca Martinez Pakarati, now studying environmental engineering in Chile.Her goal is to improve local knowledge using new technologies for recycling, pollution management and education to develop a sustainable tourism industry for Easter Island which provides the economic base for the island.