We did it!
Rachael Maskell raised £2,840.5 from 74 supporters
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Closed 20/07/2023
Iʼve raised £2,840 to Keep York Fed this Easter
- York, England
- Funded on Thursday, 20th July 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
York Together - York Food Drive
York’s network of Food Banks and Food Initiatives are doing an incredible job, but due to the cost-of-living crisis demand is rising, and an estimated 13,500 York Households are in need of emergency food supplies.
At the same time, donations have fallen, meaning some York food banks are struggling with supplies, and in some cases the cupboards are starting to run bare.
On Friday 31st of March and Saturday 1st of April I am organising a "York Together – Food Drive" aimed at bringing the city together to secure essential supplies to help keep local families and individuals fed through the Easter holidays and beyond.
How to donate cash to the campaign
If you would like to donate to my York Together - Food Drive appeal, please do so here and we will use all the money raised to fund essential supplies for a city-wide alliance of foodbanks serving York's poorest residents.
Thank you and best wishes,
Updates appear here
Rachael Maskell started crowdfunding
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TSSA North East General branch
Apr 28, 2023
John McGall i am reusable
Apr 14, 2023
Hi Rachael, Thank you for all your help with York Food Drive. £50 from my Cardio Nurse and 50p from a little boy who donated his pocket money instead of sweets.
Apr 4, 2023
Apr 3, 2023
Richard Lane
Apr 3, 2023
Wanted to drop some food off at our local site this weekend but I was a bit under the weather, glad you kept this open!
Sue Cooke
Apr 3, 2023
Thank you all for your great work, &Easter Blessings
Apr 2, 2023
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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