Lauren Gillings is crowdfunding
Iʼm raising £200,000 to Support Jack and those who love him to navigate life, as he faces stage 4 brain cancer.
- Northamptonshire
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- this costs around £20,000 per visitWe’re fundraising for Jack.
Jack has been diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer, aged just 31 years old. Treatment options are extremely limited due to the location and stage of the cancer. Unfortunately, Jack's prognosis isn’t good. Jack does not have treatment options on the NHS and the best hope is to secure private treatment via immunotherapy and clinical trials abroad.
This scenario is immeasurably hard for Jack, his partner Charlotte, and their family and friends. Sometimes life deals cards that you can find no reason for, that just can’t be rationalised. In times like this you have to respond to, and manage the hand being dealt in the best way you can. We’re fundraising to support Jack to cover the expenses associated with treatment, travel and accommodation in Germany.
Everyone who knows Jack will agree he is kind, funny, humble and full of life. Jack is just an all round great human. A dedicated police officer, a great friend, a caring and thoughtful partner. Jack would never want to ask for help, let alone donations. Initially we set up this fundraiser to give Jack a chance at exploring treatment options and enjoying life. It’s purpose has changed as the situation has evolved and we now have a significant target to reach to support his treatment.
Times like this deliver perspective and show you what is truly important - the moments that matter, with people you love, creating memories. We want Jack to have the resources and funds to support travel and treatment in hospitals that can offer the very best, prolonging his quality of life for as long as possible. To fund one extra memory, one extra trip and one extra moment of joy.
Please consider supporting Jack and those who love him. We’re so grateful to anyone who can support, in any way. We will share updates along the way!
Lauren, Emily and Selina.
P.s. If anyone would like to support via a fundraising activity, please get in touch – all ideas welcome!!
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- 1 year ago
Lauren Gillings
1 year agoAnd now we're in a position where Jack's treatment is funded for months. It's just unbelievable... "thank you" will just never be enough. Jack is now in Germany to begin treatment. The reality is that we have a long and very expensive road ahead, and we need to continue fundraising with events and via social media to ensure he can continue with this treatment. We will share updates and the journey with you all here, on instagram @jacks_tomorrowland and TikTok @jackslifefund so you can see what your donations have enabled - Jack's tomorrows. <3
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- 1 year ago
Lauren Gillings
1 year agoWe are just completely blown away by the support of everyone... we cannot find the words to express our gratitude for the generosity we've seen from complete strangers. In such a dark and hard time, the positivity and outpouring of support has really knocked us all sideways. We set the £100k goal expecting it to be a long journey and we just can't believe we've made it.. We only had enough funds for treatment until September just over a week ago... (continues on next post)
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- 1 year ago
Lauren Gillings
1 year agoFundraising update: A huge thank you to the wonderful Nene Training community for supporting Jack’s fundraiser at the annual summer celebration. We’re so grateful for everyone’s generous donations. Fancy dress cops and robbers and some brutal workouts made for a brilliant day!
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Lauren Gillings started crowdfunding
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Jackie Thompson
Jul 6, 2024
Maureen Smyth
Jun 22, 2024
We only met briefly at a wedding recently but after speaking to Charlotte my heart went out to you and your young family. How brave you are - lost in admiration x
Faye and Sean Smyth
Jun 22, 2024
Best of luck with the next stage of treatment xxx
Julia Mills and Steve Beck
May 2, 2024
Buffy Hale
Apr 28, 2024
I truly hope you're able to make many more special memories together xxx
Apr 23, 2024
Apr 19, 2024
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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