Thanks for viewing our page. We are a team of 54 crazy fundraisers looking to raise as much awareness and monies for the South West Wales Branch of the MNDA as we can.
We will take in the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales. Covering 10 Peaks in just 3 days. The only 'rest' we will get is the travelling on minibuses in between the mountains.........
Day 1 alone takes on what would be the 5 biggest mountains in the UK!
No doubt this challenge will not only test us physically but mentally also.
The 10 Peaks are : Ben Nevis, Ben Macdui, Braeriach, Cairn Toul, Carn na Criche, Sgor An Lochain Uaine, Scafell Pike, Snowdon, Carnedd Dafydd & Penyfan.
Your support and assistance, as always, is very much appreciated.
Team Crazies......
Our intrepid trekkers are :- Justin Hostettler-Davies, Lucy Allcoat, Tom Almond, Sandris Balcuns, Sarah Bloom, Henry Bower, Rhys Bridgeman, Andy Chick, Paul Clarke, Gary Cox, Sam Davies, Rhys Dowling, Steve & Suzanne Duffill, Tracy Ellis, Paul Evans, Chelseigh Hacker, Scott Hancock, Kate Harris, Rowan Harris, Tracy Harris, Anjie Hawkins, Toby Hemsley, Ian Henry, Mark Hewitt, Scott Hughes, Hellene Hughes, Simon James, Joe Jenkins, Bethan Jones, Luke Jones, Nigel Jones, Rich Llewellyn, Chris Maguire, Scott Marks, Adam Masters, Warren Merchant, Clyde Mitchell, Dan Morgans, Con O'Sullivan, Mark Orpin, Mark Packer, Gareth Pillinger, David Rees, Henry Stephenson, Shane Trowbridge, Gavin Tuck, Rik Vere, Richard Walsh, Jay Watts, Rhea Wilkey & Andrew Woodgate