Cancer touches everyone in many different ways. I have had personal loss of family members in the past year and lots of times before, and I constantly hear of friends and others going through the same fights. I was born at Clatterbridge hospital 40 years ago and was brought up in Rock Ferry, where my pride and love of the local areas developed and grew, and my fascination to my local football team Tranmere Rovers. I was lucky enough to live out my dream growing up and become a professional footballer for the team I loved and still do. Giving back to the area and the people in the area is something I look to do in any way I can, and this is a way I feel I can make a difference. It’s been a difficult period both personally and for so many people, and picking a charity is difficult, there are tragedies constantly happening for people in so many different ways, lots have touched me personally both through family, friends and friends I didn’t realise I had until you reach out during difficult times that have touched me so much. Clatterbridge helps both people battling cancer and the people who support them and I am delighted to be helping in this small way and the donations we get will mean something to someone and this is all the motivation I need for the training and the day itself. It’s a horrendous time for everyone financially,and any small donation, even instead of buying me a pint, will be massively appreciated. Thanks for your time and your support.
Marathon takes place in October, so lots of time yet!