We Shoot We Score
Life is hard in the Northern Region of Ghana – where poverty, economic instability, and water scarcity dog each day. Education is makeshift, women and children spend hours every day collecting water for their families, and want is everywhere.
To give children a good educational start, and keep people healthy, we want to build a school and playground, sink a deep tube well that will provide clean, safe, water, for everyone, and a football pitch for the community (of course).
Achieving this will require HRF’s expertise, and the power of You (our supporters) in an aid project that will transform a community in rural Ghana.
At £69,500 it’s not cheap, but it is eminently doable. And the impact is massive. In simple terms, if every ‘Take Me Home’ season ticket holder chipped-in £5.46 each we’d have it done next-to-no time.
The Weight of Water
For me and you water has no weight. We turn on a tap and out it runs. Yet, for many millions of Ghanaians - mainly women and girls - water has a physical weight, and long hours are spent each day collecting it. By providing a community water-well we remove this weight.
The Cost of Unclean Water
Water borne disease causes more deaths each year than all forms of violence. Including war! In Ghana, more than five million people rely on surface water to meet their daily water needs, water holes that are usually shared with animals, and infested with urine and faeces.
No Time To Learn, No Time To Thrive
Often having to walk up-to 3 miles twice in a day leaves no time for education. But a water-well changes this. It removes the weight, provides time, and allows a community to thrive.
People stay healthier, children have the time for education, and women have the opportunity to set up micro-businesses. It’s a win-win situation for all.
The Interconnectedness of Things
Clean water alone changes the life of a community. But, providing the next generation with an education, in a purpose-built school, is a gamechanger. The impact of which ripples out into the future.