I think everybody at some stage of there lives, have or will be touched by Cancer. 25 Years ago my very good friend Michelle was diagnosed
with cancer of the pancreas and liver.Michelle was married with two you children aged 2 and 4. I know the help and support she recieved from
Macmillan certaintly helped the family deal with the loss of a wife, mother, daughter and friend. Years later the support was there again
when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, and again when my father had prostate cancer. 2 years ago a very dear friend Brian Young passed away with throat cancer, and more recently one of our Preston Grasshoppers very own rugby ladies, Sal sadly passed away.The past two years I have supported the Macmillan coffee morning with one of my clients Calder World Of Travel in Leeds.This will be an amazing way of giving something back, and would give me a great sense of pride to ride in the memory of, Mum and Dad, Michelle, Brian and Sally. I know I have the full support of so many family and friends, and I will try my best to do you all proud on the day .
Regards - Fordie x