Salaamu alaykum / Hi,
Following on from last year, this year I will be taking on 4 peaks Snowdon (Wales), Ben Nevis (Scotland), Scafell Pyke (England) and Carrauntoohil (Ireland).
This year I have decided to dedicate my climbs and fundraise in memory of a special friends father, to raise as much funds as possible as a Sadqah Jariyah for him. May Allah SWT accept this for him. Ameen.
Water is essential for life. Yet more nearly 1 in 9 people worldwide don’t have access to clean water – that’s a staggering 780 million people. For some countries the problem is scarcity of water, whilst in others it is the quality of water. Unclean water can be fatal as it spreads diseases and illnesses such as cholera and diarrhoea. Poor hygiene practices and access to latrines also increases risk of disease.
Did you also know?
• 2.5 billion don’t have access to basic sanitation
• Today one child dies every 21 seconds from a water related disease.
• Women in Africa walk an average of 6km to fetch water
Islamic Relief’s water and sanitation projects include digging wells, building water supply systems, rainwater-harvesting, constructing latrines and providing basic hygiene training.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The best form of charity is giving water to someone to drink" (Ahmad)
This is a cause close to my heart. Please donate whatever you can, I appreciate all your support and many thanks for any donations.
Kind regards,