In Memory of our friends Paul Burton, Dr Hans Meulendijk, Reverend Roland Taylor and Linda Cunningham… I will try, aging hips and creaking knees permitting, to do you proud. Always in our hearts and prayers.
To our family and friends, thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts. Every £1 donated can make a difference
Macmillan gives people with cancer everything they’ve got. If you’re diagnosed, your worries are Macmillan’s worries. Macmillan’s doing whatever it takes. But without your help, Macmillan can’t support everyone who needs them
We all know someone who is battling cancer, has died from cancer or has recovered/is recovering from cancer. Help us to help Macmillan provide care where ever it is most needed.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and secure.
Please donate as generously as you are able. Thank you xx