On 14th April 1997, 25 years ago, our then 7 month old baby was admitted to Bassetlaw with blue hands and feet, and a temp of 104. The fabulous paediatric team, led my Dr Williams, worked their magic, and he was discharged a week or so later, but had to have lots of extra tests. We found out that he had severe bilateral urinary reflux, and a damaged kidney. We went back to Bassetlaw every year for ultrasound scans and outpatient appointments, and Dan was finally discharged when he was 14.
He is fine now - a 6'7" ex rugby player who has his first strongman comp in May, but without the expert care, it could have been a different story, so this month I am running every day to raise funds for the children's ward, and to give something back 25 years after he was admitted, and as part of my 50 at 50 celebrations.