31 October 2021 was the day of the Lincoln 10k!! We were hoping for sunshine and received a monsoon instead!! The rain just kept on coming, the roads were flooded and our clothes were absolutely soaked. But I can honestly say I loved every minute of it. The weather did not put the crowds off from coming out to support us and for that I will always be grateful.
It was an emotional day from start to finish and I think Karen would of been extremely proud of what we achieved. I achieved a PB running the course in 1hr 17mins and 20 secs but most importantly we have raised a massive £4100.00 in Karen's memory, which will now go towards helping St Barnabas Hospice help others, like they helped Karen and her family through such a difficult time.
I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has kindly donated to the Just Giving Page, for the support I have received from Nick and Karen's Family on the #runningforkaren journey, for my wingmen Chris and Declan who also ran the course and never stopped believing in me, THANK YOU THANKYOU!!!
I feel quite flat now as this journey has been a big part of my life for the last 16 months. We will all continue to keep Karen's memory alive and remember her for the special, kind lady she was.
Thank you everyone,from the bottom of my heart.
Fiona 💙💛💞💞
26 October 2021
5 days to go until the Lincoln 10k/running for Karen campaign gets under way and to say I’m nervous would be an understatement!! 16 months ago we set up the JustGiving page with a target set of £300. I honestly believed that I was possibly setting the goal a little too high!! Fast forward 16 months and we are currently at £3750!!! with the Hope now of achieving £4000 by race day on 31 October.
I would just like to say a massive thank you for everyone’s support and kind donations, it has certainly kept me going with my training 💞 and the money raised will make such a difference to Karen’s chosen charity St Barnabas Hospice.
I honestly don’t know how Sundays run will go but what I do know is the run is not about me it’s about remembering Karen for the special lady she was. The one thing that is always mentioned when talking about Karen is that her smile always lit up any room she was in. I strongly believe Karen will be with me on Sunday and she will make sure I cross that finish line.
Sunday will be an emotional day for everyone who knew Karen. Myself, Chris and Declan will be wearing our T shirts with pride. We hope to do you proud Karen 💞💞
Thank you so much everyone for your support
Fiona xx 💙💛
Update 22.09.21
With just over 5 weeks to go until the Lincoln 10k #runningforkaren event gets underway, I am starting to feel slightly nervous but also excited that I will finally get to run this official race for Karen and St Barnabas Hospice. It certainly has been a long time coming with the cancellations and rescheduling of this event and many more.
It will be good to run on home soil and with so many supporters there to cheer me on.
31 October will be a very emotional day, a day I have been training towards since June 2020. It will also be a day for everyone to Remember Karen.
Thank you once again for everyone's kind donations and for the continuous support.
Fiona xx
Updated 19.04.21
The Lincoln 10K was due to take place on the 27 June 2021 but unfortunately due to the ongoing Pandemic it has been rescheduled to the 31 October 2021. There is one thing for sure, I should be fit by the time the race actually happens!!!
I started my training in June last year and have continued with it through all weather conditions!!! Something I am very proud of.
I don't find this running malarkey easy but knowing why I am doing it will certainly keep me going till the race in October, and who knows maybe continue long after.
St Barnabas gave great support to Karen and her family through such a difficult time and It was Karen's wish for me to raise money for this charity by running the Lincoln 10k. We are currently at £3575.00 and my aim is to get this total to £4000.00 by 31 October 2021.
On the 12th July it will be a year that Karen sadly passed away, so I have decided to run the Lincoln 10k route on Sunday 11 July in Karen's memory. I'm sure it will be an emotional day.
Karen's passing left a massive hole in so many peoples lives.Together we will keep her memory alive #runningforkaren
Thank you everyone for their continued support, kind donations and to the people who see me out running and give me a wave!!!! It really means a lot!!
Fiona xx
Updated 08.01.21
On the 27 June 2021 I will be running the Lincoln 10k in memory of our Lovely Neighbour and Friend Karen Chambers who sadly passed away at the age of 47 on 12 July 2020 after a brief illness.
Due to the current Pandemic, the Lincoln 10k, like many other races were postponed last year, causing a massive shortfall on charitable donations, to charities like St Barnabas Hospice.
I decided due to the amount of support and generous donations we had already received, I would still run the actual route on the 1 November 2020 to show my appreciation for the generosity from so many of Karen's friends, family and work colleagues as well as my own family and friends. It was an emotional day and a day that will stay with me forever. I've since ran the route again and took a massive 5 mins 18secs off my previous time!!!
I am by no means a fast runner but I do have the determination to carry on with what I have set out to achieve and that is to raise as much money as possible for St Barnabas Hospice in Karen's memory.
Karen's passing has left a massive hole in so many peoples lives. Together we will keep her memory alive #runningforkaren xx
Thank you
On the 1 November 2020 I will be running the Lincoln 10k to raise money for St Barnabas Hospice.
This is an opportunity to say thank you to The Hospice at Home Team who enabled our Neighbour and friend Karen to be cared for, in her own home by her devoted family.
Sadly this run will now be in Memory of Karen Chambers, who sadly passed away on 12th July 2020 after a brief illness.
We started this Just Giving Page on 23 June 2020 and within 4 weeks managed to raise over £2000. Karen's devoted Husband Nick kept her up to date, showing her the messages of support being left by family and friends and the updates of my training and this brought a smile to Karen, which was worth its weight in gold.
It was Karen's wish to raise money for St Barnabas Hospice in her memory and this way she actually got to see it happen.
I'm sure on 1 November Karen will be watching over me when I crawl over that finish line!!! I promise I will do you proud!!
For the people that know me, will know that running does not come easy!!! But with the support, encouragement and generosity from each and everyone of you, I will not let you down.
Thank you for reading my story.
As you are all aware with the current Covid-19 Pandemic, Charities like St Barnabas have been struggling, with races/events being cancelled. So Please if you can donate to my page, even if it's £1, it all adds up!!!