Gareth Mousley

Gareth's 100 miles 4 100 years page

Fundraising for NHS Charities Together
raised of £1,000 target
by 155 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Participants: Billy Mac, Wayne Bridge, Ant Middleton, Nikki Sanderson, Phil Campion, Billy Billingham, Joey Essex, Tony Bellew, Ollie Ollerton, Helen Skelton, Jason Fox, DJ Locksmith, Jay Morton, Lauren Steadman.
NHS Charities Together and its members across the UK are hugely grateful for the support received from so many since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. 

We were so blown away with the amazing response to Captain Toms fundraising efforts. We wanted to do something ourselves to raise whatever we can to support the amazing work that the NHS does. 

Myself and Billy McFatter are aiming to run/walk 100 miles as a relay and deliver a birthday card to Captain Tom Moore on his 100th Birthday on the 30th April. We are also pleased to have on-board Billy Billingham and the rest of the team including Ant, Ollie, Foxy and Jay from the Channel 4 Series: SAS Who Dares Wins, who all kindly volunteered to help run/walk a part of the 100 miles. We are also happy to have join us Wayne Bridge former England Footballer that will also participate along the route. 

In order to stay within the government guidelines . We have decided that a relay type event is the best option. Where by each participant will individually run/walk a portion of the 100 mile in their local area, this will help prevent running in a large group and as such we we can adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Myself and Billy McFatter will now start the 100 mile at Thrybergh Country Park at 7am Wednesday 29th and cover the first 20 miles.There after each individual participant will do a short video of themselves doing their own bit of the 100 miles. 

With the the approval of Bedforshire police who are currently coordinating other pre-planned events to celebrate Captain Toms 100th birthday that day, we will all then deliver the card to Captain Tom on the 30th as planned . So no real change albeit the route.

We now have more TV and sports personalities who are kindly joining in to help us out and raise some money for the NHS: Wayne Bridge, Ant Middleton, Nikki Sanderson, Phil Campion, Billy Billingham, Joey Essex, Tony Bellew, Ollie Ollerton, Helen Skelton, Jason Fox, DJ Locksmith, Jay Morton, Lauren Steadman.

We all understand the enormous impact this Pandemic has had on the the nation and of how proud we all are of the way our country's NHS staff are responding to this national emergency. So what better way under the current circumstances to honour such a true gentleman like Captain Tom and at the same time give a little back to our greatly loved NHS.     

Any support or donations will be greatly received. 

About the campaign

NHS Charities Together and its members across the UK are hugely grateful for the support received from so many since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

About the charity

NHS Charities Together is a national independent charity caring for the NHS. Together with a network of over 230 NHS charities across the UK, we provide the extra support needed to care for NHS staff, patients and communities.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £409.25 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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