I’ve taken on this challenge for mental and physical resilience, be part of an amazing team and to raise funds for a cause close to my heart which has helped a number of people I love.
Most people throughout their life face challenges with mental health and never receive the support which could have made all the difference to them.
When faced with my own very difficult personal challenge over the last few weeks, it made me realize that waiting for someone or something to make a positive difference to your life , health and happiness was pointless - you have to take those steps for yourself, be brave and find the strength within you to find a better, healthier and happier life. Expedition limitless is a once in a lifetime opportunity to push myself to the limits, positively and for my mental and physical well being, surrounded by a fantastic support network of people all on their own journeys.
This princess is going to straighten her crown and become the ice queen she is meant to be - move over Elsa!
Isle Listen is a mental health charitable organisation part of MCH Psychological Services, an Isle of Man registered charity with nearly 40 years experience providing psychological support.Our essential work is centred around mental health early intervention and prevention; helping to avoid the unnecessary escalation of mental health problems in young people.We have made progress during the 2021/22 academic year, to now be providing our mental health support and wide-reaching educational programme in all 6 secondary schools and 27 of the 33 primary schools on the Island, but there is still much to do. Our services are provided free of charge as we do not receive any government funding, thus relying on charitable fundraising.We aim to be a catalyst for change in the way that mental health is perceived on the Island and we are helping to empower the Islands young people with skills and emotional resilience to cope with the stresses and setbacks they will face throughout life.