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Thanks for visiting my JustGiving GameBlast20 charity page.
Special Effect is a charity that creates custom game controllers for people with special needs that allows them to play video and computer games. Find out more about Special Effect below:
GameBlast is a marathon fundraising event that occurs over 3 days. This year GameBlast20 will occur over the weekend of 21-23 February 2020. Participants can do anything to raise money for charity (It doesn't have to be game related.), but many people set themselves a goal or challenge to complete over a 24 hour period. See more about GameBlast20 below:
This year, I will be running 'The Indiana Jones Charity Globe Trot'. A tabletop RPG adventure that will have our daring heroes following in the footsteps of the world's greatest archaeologist! Will our heroes manage to complete their task in 24 hours? Tune in on the 21st February and find out!