helen pote

Helen's 1st triathlon Stratford 2013

Fundraising for Cancer Research UK
raised of £1,000 target
by 78 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: Stratford 220 2013, on 12 May 2013
In memory of Judy Pote
Cancer Research UK

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1089464, SC041666, 1103 & 247
We pioneer life-saving cancer research to help us beat cancer


Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page!

My husband Andrew did the Stratford triathlon in 2012 as his first tri and whilst I was watching and cheering him on I found myself simply gagging to join in and have a go!!!  So I entered for 2013 in the autumn of last year and thankfully some of my Fat Burner Bootcamp buddies and a very dear friend agreed to join in too!

We planned our training schedule which was due to start in the new year but I had my date come for a major operation on 8th January so I am now out of action for a couple of months!

I am however determined to drag myself round on the 12th May somehow, no matter how long it takes me and that is why I am here nagging you all now!!!!

We are raising money for Cancer Research.  Everyone knows someone near and dear to them that has had to fight cancer.  Without Cancer Research no one diagnosed stands any chance of survival at all so come on and dig deep to support the wonderful work this charity does!  Without Cancer Research I know I would not be here today!!!!!!!

So I am raising money for Cancer Research for every single fighter and everyone who has sadly lost their fight with cancer.  But in particular in memory of my wonderful sister in law Judy who is simply the most beautiful person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  She lost her own fight on 21st January this year. 

I will be swimming 400m, cycling 23k and running 5k for all the fighters, all the loved ones lost, for Judy and the 4 special men in her life xxxx

So come on......stand up to cancer......dig deep and support Cancer Research with as much or as little as you can afford.............and wish me luck!

Thanks xx

******update to my story, i wanted to leave the original story here but please keep reading as things have now changed for me considerably.  Thanks!******

Unfortunately I became rather poorly  after my operation in January and by February my liver was failing.   I was readmitted to hospital and had various tests to see what was wrong with my liver.  I thought I had won my fight with cancer but sadly The CT scan on 22nd February 2013 showed that the breast cancer is back!  It is now stage 4 breast cancer as it has spread to my lymph, lungs, liver and bones. It is not operable and cannot be cured.   The plan is the chemotherapy will hopefully reduce/kill the cancer cells and then maintain and control them for as long as it doesn't tolerate the chemotherapy drugs.  There is a 40% chance the chemo will work and if it does work I will probably be on chemo forever now.  So fingers and everything else crossed the chemo works!

I am determined to fight this every way possible and make the most of every day.  Diet and supplements and any and every alternative therapy I can find is being done.  I am still taking part in the triathlon.  I  can't do the swim due to infection risks that go with chemo but I have a very kind surrogate swimmer!  I will do the cycle and will probably have to walk the 5k run as the bone pain means I can't do anything high impact like jogging/running.   With only 5 weeks to go and I haven't even sat on my bike yet my performance on the day shall be interesting to say the least!  

The triathlon team are AMAZING and have turned something that started out as a bit of fun into something so huge!  Training is gruelling to say the least. All the team work full time and have families and are still training daily.  Their dedication to the training and the fund raising is phenomenal!!!!!

I'd like to share  like to some facts now .......

Today 889 people in the UK will be hit with the news they have cancer!

Then it will hit everyone who loves them! 

That's someone every 2 minutes, every day!

These figures are predicted to double by 2030! 

More than 1 in 3 people in the UK will develop cancer in their lifetime!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK! 

1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer! 

There are more than 200 types of cancer! 

And still no cure!!!!!!!!! 



We should be!!!

If we all don't have someone close to us whose life already been hit by cancer we will have!!! 

Sadly these statistics simply prove that! 

Imagine what are children and their children will have to deal with in the future!

Cancer cells are just normal cells in our bodies that start to behave abnormally, and silently damage and kill all the good stuff along the way! 

Cancer research work tirelessly to find the cure! 

They need funding to do this!!

So please sponsor us..........STAND UP TO CANCER, every penny counts and will go towards a future without cancer! 

We all have to fight this silent and deadly disease!

We are swimming, cycling and running for every cancer fighter, for everyone who has sadly lost their fight and for everyone who will have to fight in the future.   PLEASE support us and make a difference!!!!! 

And the biggest biggest THANK YOUs go to everyone who already has sponsored us........from the bottom of my heart, from cancer research and from every cancer fighter in the UK!

You can meet the Fat Burner Boot Camp Happy Campers Triathlon Team and catch up on their training blog at 


Trust me.....it's a great read!!!!  

And lastly on a personal note my liver is now much improved so bring on the treatment and LIFE!!!!!!!

Thanks again!

H xxxxxx

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So please dig deep and donate now.

About the charity

Cancer Research UK

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1089464, SC041666, 1103 & 247
We‘re the world‘s leading cancer charity dedicated to saving and improving lives through research. We fund research into the prevention, detection and treatment of more than 200 types of cancer through the work of over 4,000 scientists, doctors and nurses.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £298.75 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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