I know that some of you are aware that I lost my DAD Ray five years ago, but he actually only passed away in November 2015, to this cruel and horrible disease Alzheimer's.
I will always remember, the day, my Mum told me that my DAD was putting his keys in the fridge and putting tins in the microwave, I laughed it off at first, thinking well who dosen't do silly things like that, I am the worlds worst, in fact there was nothing funny about it at all, especially when we was told he had Dementia, but we still wasn't prepared for what this disease did or was going to do to him, in the five years he survived with the disease..
The soul of my DAD, was draining away from him, right in front of our eyes, and there is nothing you can do, but be there, and watch him, going back to be very child like.
We had some terrible times, with him, frequently he would go missing In the middle of the night, and we would find him, at the sea edge, not knowing what he was doing, or where he was, we frequently had to lock him in the bedroom at night for my Mums safety, but he would kick the door in, and terrify my Mum.
Eventually, we had to have him sectioned for his own safety and our safety as he would lash out for no reason but pure frustration, which was really heartbreaking and frightening, we eventually had to have him put in a Nursing Home, which we hated doing and he hated so much, he escaped over a 6ft brick wall, quite frequently....making it very difficult for the staff at the home, to look after him, therefore, Unfortunately we had to have Dad put in a more secure unit, which in our eyes, was a very long and sad ending....
I thank You all for taking the time to read this.....