Julia Wilson

Julia and Paul's 10 mile run

Fundraising for Friends of the Earth Charitable Trust
raised of £1,000 target
by 43 supporters
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Run or cycle 5k for your planet and raise money for Friends of the Earth. Like you, we know a better future is possible. Help support our crucial work by setting up a fundraiser today.


At the beginning of March this year I felt I needed a challenge to shake myself out of lockdown blues and wanted to do something for the environment. I am really worried about the Climate Emergency. I enjoy a gentle jog around the Goat Walk in Topsham so set myself the challenge of 10k by the end of March, and 10 miles by the end of April. Paul offered to do it with me to support me and the cause.  It seemed achievable though neither of us have run 10 miles before. Why Friends of the Earth?   Like Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth are doing great things to preserve what we have and challenge the causes of climate change. It's  climate campaign team is working tirelessly to make sure the government adopts a recovery plan which both fixes our broken economy and prioritises people and our planet. I am concerned that climate change, caused largely by wealthier nations, is disproportionately affecting the poorer communities across the world. Millions are fleeing their homes because of drought, storms, floods, crop damage and sea level rise.

I love nature and wildlife and feel saddened by the loss of habitats for many insects, birds and animals. I want our children and grandchildren ( and children and grandchildren everywhere)to enjoy the wonders of nature as we have. 

Our mascots are endangered species as chosen by Rupert and Arthur- the 3 toed Sloth and the Tiger

In keeping with the enormity of the task ahead of us (in tackling climate change) we have set a very ambitious fundraising target,  but hope with your support we can achieve it. Thank you.

 Julia and Paul

About the campaign

Run or cycle 5k for your planet and raise money for Friends of the Earth. Like you, we know a better future is possible. Help support our crucial work by setting up a fundraiser today.

About the charity

Friends of the Earth is an international community that brings together more than two million people in 75 countries dedicated to the protection of the natural world and the wellbeing of everyone in it.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £201.25 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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