Ann Marie Murray

Three Peaks Challenge

Fundraising for The Leanne Fund
by 91 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Participants: Leanne Mitchell
The Leanne Fund

Verified by JustGiving

RCN SC041268
We support individuals affected by CF to maintain & improve their quality of life


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As much a mental challenge as it is a physical one, we're so proud to have been able to do this for The Leanne Fund. Thank you to all who have donated, sent messages of support, and those who came to meet us at Fort William. It's been amazing to have your support.


Here's the background info:


There's five of us - Ann Marie Murray, Leah Mackay, Anna Macritchie, Lorna Macarthur and Donna Mackay - aiming to climb the National Three Peaks on the 26th and 27th of August 2011 in memory of our dear friend Leanne.


For those of you who may not be familiar with the Three Peaks Challenge, we're hoping to climb Snowdon in Wales, Scafell Pike in England and Ben Nevis in Scotland in under 24 hours to raise money for The Leanne Fund. Travelling between the three mountains is also included in the 24 hours - giving us about 14 hours to climb all three mountains, if we'd like to get home to our own beds on schedule!


The Leanne Fund was set up in 2009 to provide funding for non-medicinal treats for Cyctic Fibrosis patients under 25 in the Highlands and Islands. It fulfils Leanne's wish to make a difference in the lives of young people with CF, as she was such a courageous and giving person. We feel proud to be able to support the Fund and are doing the Challenge for this reason.


More information about the Fund, and our Challenge attempt, can be found at


The Fund is very close to our hearts and we're thrilled to be able to do something to help with the fantastic work that they do for young people with CF.


We've been training properly for about 7 months now, with Ann Marie and Lorna regularly climbing the Clisham (looking for a new training ground!) and Leah, Anna and Donna scaling Ben Nevis in the pouring rain. Fundraising has also gone well, with a dance in Bresclete Hall and a Quiz Night in Stornoway being great successes. Money collected at a night in the Rangers Supporters Club was also donated to our fundraiser.


We are being supported by The Scottish Salmon Company, Lewis Crofters, Borve House Hotel and Caledonian MacBrayne, and would like to extend our most sincere thanks to them for helping us with clothing, equipment and transport.


Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity and make sure Gift Aid is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. So it’s the most efficient way to donate - we raise more, whilst saving time and cutting costs for the charity.


So please dig deep and donate now - anything large or small would be hugely appreciated. Thank you for showing your support for us, and The Leanne Fund.

About the charity

The Leanne Fund

Verified by JustGiving

RCN SC041268
Each week 5 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and two young lives are lost. CF is a life-long, chronic condition and there is currently no cure. The Leanne Fund helps sufferers of CF and their families by providing a range of services to make life a little easier - making a difference today.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £410.00 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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