Spring Solutions are partaking in a series of fundraising events for Prostate Cancer UK in the name of our colleague Wee Jimmy Kempton. Jimmy was diagnosed in 2017 and while he caught it early enough and is still fighting the fight, we want to help raise awareness so that others can be as lucky or even better luckier than Jimmy. Prostate cancer kills 1 in 8 men. That's one dad, partner, brother, son, grandad, uncle or mate. I'm raising money to help fund lifesaving research and support for men and their families affected by prostate cancer.
Jonathan & Michael Ward are running the London Marathon on 23rd April.
Aimee, Calvin, Chris, Ian, Jarrid, Jonathan, Lewis, Marc G, Marc H & Sean are running the race for life on 21st May
We'll be holding a fundraising event on the 6th May to raise even more funds and celebrate with everybody who has been kind enough to sponsor us.
Please support generously