Jane and I have an unrealised ambition to cycle by tandem from Land's End to John O'Groats. This year we both hit 60 so it's a good time to prove we still can and to support Tom's Trust at the same time. We'll be starting on 28 April and aim to finish the 1,189 miles of the Sustrans route by 28 May.
In January 2006, Tom, a former work colleague, was stabbed and killed on the way home by two teenagers in a random act of senseless violence. Tom's Trust was established in Tom’s memory to help address the underlying causes of his tragic death and turn it into something positive and lasting. The Trust assists disadvantaged children and young people to achieve their potential and to lead rewarding lives by providing them with educational and vocational training opportunities which they would otherwise be unlikely to receive, and helps to tackle and prevent the root causes of violent gang culture and street crime. It works with over a dozen highly effective organisations across London which succeed in making lasting changes to the lives of difficult-to-reach young people growing up in challenging circumstances. More details about the Trust can be found at
Sadly, the work that Tom's Trust does is as relevant now as it ever has been.
We believe that a donation to Tom's Trust is a particularly efficient way of helping to address the serious issues that lie behind its foundation. The Trust has no administration charges, and works hard to find effective charities which make a demonstrable impact in their area.
But of course more can always be done - which is why we wish to support Tom's Trust in our long ride. Thank you very much for your support. It will make a huge difference to the lives of many young people.