Two guys in the church will be running 133 miles across 6 days between the 20th and 26th June. They will be running 22 miles per day! They have asked others in the church to run with them so Oscar will be joining them with other kids on the Saturday.
Why? They are looking to raise funds for their church, Sunbridge Road Mission, who are desperately in need of a new building. The Church will be 133 years old on Sunday 26th June.
Our current Church building is in need of a lot of repair and isn't fit for purpose so we want to help the community in ensuring there is a place for the future generations to be cared for by the church.
Sunbridge Road Mission is a church in one of the most deprived areas in the heart of Bradford, it was originally formed by knocking through 6 back-to-back cottages which limits how much refurbishment can be accomplished. The Church is extremely active in the community supporting many refugees and asylum seekers, running english classes, community groups, children's groups and distributing food and aid to those suffering from homelessness in the city. With a thriving family community they want to ensure their outreach work can continue for another 133 years, which this new building will facilitate. The Church have already purchased a piece of land opposite their current site and raised £8-900k towards their £2.4million target. They are holding fundraising events, applying to trusts and foundations and looking for local individuals and businesses to support their cause. To find out more details about the project please watch the video below: