Hey there and thanks for visiting my page!
My brother Dan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in November 2021 at the ripe old age of 28. His diagnosis journey, like so many, was a really bleak time and for a while we struggled to even allow ourselves to hope. The Christie turned this all around and have been a beacon of light for Dan and my family. Dan comes away from his appointments there with a smile on his face (despite chemo), talking about how wonderful the staff are, how different his experience is now he's there and greater than all of this.. they give him hope, which we have an abundance of.
You can read all about Dan's story here in his blog, Ebb and Flow.
My family are well-known for being full of fitness freaks and I have often wondered if I'm the result of an affair with an exercise-averse milkman. But my time has come.
If Dan can run an ultramarathon with undiagnosed pancreatic cancer, I can damn well push my slow ass around 26 miles of London and raise some money for the folks helping to fight cancer.
Thank you so much.