On 1st of November 2020 I start the clock. I’ve then got 282 days to summit all 282 Munros*. (*Scottish mountains over 3000 feet). I've got till the 10th of August.
Why am I doing this?
With various degrees of Covid related restriction and the winter months approaching, I wanted to find a challenge that stretches me and inspires me to get out on cold, dark winter days. I also want to share the mountain beauty with others who aren’t able to get out. I’ll do this by posting pictures and stories on Instagram, Facebook and my website.
Fundraising for mental health and suicide prevention feels more important than ever.
How am I doing this?
I’ll still be working as I undertake this challenge, so I’ll be getting out on Fridays and weekends, weather depending.
It’s going to be a massive learning curve for me, so I’ll be relying on the advice and support of knowledgeable friends and Guides during the winter months of the challenge.
I’ll be sleeping in my small van where necessary. I’m arranging to get it insulated at the moment.
*I’m holding all plans lightly as Covid restrictions may change and restrict my movement.*
How am I feeling?
To be honest, this challenge scares me. I feel even more outside of my comfort zone that I did prior to the Pacific Crest Trail. I keep reminding myself that I’m not going to be alone – that I can always ask for help and that I can always stop if it’s not enjoyable or if I don’t feel safe. But I also feel really alive, energised and excited about the prospect of being in the mountains weekend after weekend with a real sense of purpose.
Fundraising for mental health and suicide prevention feels more important than ever. For this reason I'm adding a gentle fundraising ask for Scottish suicide prevention charity Mikeyline to my challenge.
Mikeysline's ultimate aim is suicide prevention. We were established in 2015 following the suicides of two close friends within days of each other, Mikey Williamson and Martin Shaw, both aged 23. Our textline service was set up to provide an anonymous, safe, confidential way to access peer support, a listening ear from someone who understands what that person may be feeling, having their own lived experience of mental health issues. We also operate a drop in centre, The Hive, on Academy Street in Inverness.