Oh, hi there.
Thanks for stopping by my page.
As you're here, I'm running the Manchester Marathon in October so gimme some money, yeah?
This will be my second go at the 26.2-mile slog, having completed London in 2018. That was a grand old experience let me tell you, but because I'm a super-cool, goal-oriented person and wilted in the boiling heat, thus meaning I didn't get anywhere close to the time I wanted to achieve, I left feeling disappointed (and sunburned).
I've used the Covid-era to step up my distances and have been bossing solid 100+ mile months for well over a year now (humble brag) in anticipation of running a race when restrictions allow.
I'll be pushing myself to the limit (bit dramatic mate) between now and then to get the time I want for my own smug sense of achievement. However, I'd like to try and raise some money for a good cause too because, well, I'm just like that.
As it's something close to my heart, I've chosen the WWF.
I've been big into wrestling since the early 90s so if we can scrape a few quid together to honour Macho Man Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior, we'd really be making a difference.
Kidding, calm down.
It's animals and the planet and stuff innit.
'WWF is at the heart of global efforts to address the world’s most important environmental challenges: safeguarding the natural world, tackling climate change and enabling people to use only their fair share of natural resources. Together we can build a future where people and nature thrive.Your support is much appreciated. Find out more by visiting'
So yeah, sponsor me or I'm afraid some Pandas won't make it.
Just whatever you can give (but don't take the Michael, you're not on the breadline).
As well as the heady euphoria of doing something nice, you'll also receive my adulation in the form of a short personal message.
Thank you for your consideraton.