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Chescombe is a new, purpose built, provision . It is managed by Chescombe Trust and is registered with the Care Quality Comission to provide accomodation, care and support for up to 19 persons,aged 18 - 65 years in the learning disability category.
Chescombe provides accomodation and support for people with a learning disability who have a wide variety of complex needs.Some of the people who live at Chescombe may display Challenging behaviour. Some of the people who live here may also be on the Autistic Spectrum.
Chescombe contains 3 buildings on one site ( one of those buildings being Treetops).
We at Treetops aim to provide a comfortable and homely living enviroment in which individuals will be supported.
We have living space at Treetops for 5 residents. currently we have 4 residents.
The garden we have is compact but needing some fencing to provide a private and secluded area in which the residents can socialise and relax in
We aim to develop and deliver the appropriate response to the identified needs of the individual in our care.
So please donate to help us purchase fencing to create a much needed private garden in which the people at Treetops can enjoy Also monies to support residents holidays and day trips