James Dubowski

James's page

Fundraising for Alzheimer's Research UK
raised of £500 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Participants: James Dubowski
We stand for everyone affected by dementia to find a cure


Hey all,

Me and  a group of mates are taking part in the Three Peak Challenge in order to raise as much money for our chosen charities as possible.

For those of you who are unaware of what this challenge consists of, let me enlighten you. The Three Peak Challenge means climbing the THREE highest mountains in Britain (Ben Nevis Scotland, Scafell Pike England, Snowdon Wales)


                                                                                    IN UNDER 24 HOURS!!!


Now for all those seasoned mountain climbers out there this might not seem like such a big deal, but considering i almost died climbing ONE mountain whilst in Thailand....well lets just say its gonna be a challenge!!

So the charity i have decided to raise money for is The Alzheimer's Research Trust. There are thousands of great carities out there and I was finding it very difficult to decide on which charity I wanted to choose, until a mate of mine told me how his sister Amanda was directly affected by this disease. Amanda was diagnosed with a rare brain disease which also includes the early onset of dementia. She was diagnosed with this during her late 20s and at now the age of 35 needs 24 hour care from her parents, close family and a dedicated care team.

Over the last 2 years Amanda's condition has rapidly decreased and she requires high level care with all of the day to day tasks we all take so much for granted.  

Also what many people don't realise is that this disease affects young people as well as old and a new case of dementia occurs every 3 minutes in England and Wales. Also The Alzheimer's Research Trust receives no government funding and relies on donations to fund its vital research.


                                    Any donation no matter how small will be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity and make sure Gift Aid is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. So it’s the most efficient way to donate - I raise more, whilst saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

So please dig deep and donate now.

About the charity

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity. We’re striving for a cure, by revolutionising the way we treat, diagnose and prevent dementia.

Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

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