The trip was a big success but not without its dramas! I got Covid almost as soon as we crossed into Ukraine, we were forced in the shelter as Central Kyiv was hit by five missiles at 5.30am, and I crashed one of the SUVs (nothing too serious).
Add in a nearly 30-hour trip home by bus, on foot, and a badly needed lift back over the border and it was certainly the hardest trip (at least for me) by far.
Nevertheless, those members of the team still standing fulfilled all our objectives – to deliver three vehicles with one going to a young British soldier in the International Brigade, one to a Ukrainian Brigade outside Kharkiv, and the third to an emergency medical team.
Most pleasing to all of us was that we were able to drop off essentials and lots of presents to a school in Kremenchuk district.
All too soon it was time to say Goodbye to Ukraine, but we will back later this year hopefully after the fighting ends and the rebuilding begins.
We raised over £10,000 for Pick-ups for Peace which paid for the three vehicles with new winter tyres and three SUV loads of medical and humanitarian aid.
Special thanks to London Law firm McCarthy Denning and Paris Bas Bank for their corporate donations, Compass Trailers in Lewes and St Anne’s Well Tennis Club for hosting our charity Poker Event that raised over £1400.
Most of all I’d like to thank Stand for Ukraine who did all our paperwork, the ladies at Sussex Volunteer Crafters who made over 150 shoebox presents and the more than 100 very generous donors who helped us get this vital help to Ukraine in their darkest hour.