As I'm now a Caseworker for Ssafa I'd like to raise some much needed funds for the charity. Please give what you can be safe in the knowledge I'll be suffering with 25lb of weight to carry, over 10k, whilst being old.
Now, I'm rallying the troops (that's you, by the way) for support. Here's the pitch: donate to our cause, and in return, I'll lug this pack around, demonstrating the kind of determination that only comes slight disregard for one's own health, and a disrespect for my age.
Please join me in raising vital funds to support serving men and women, veterans and families who will call on SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity for help in time of need.
Since 1885, thanks to the public's support, SSAFA continues to provide welfare and wellbeing assistance tailored to our Armed Forces community. They know and understand the unique demands of service life, whether in the UK or overseas, and in times of need, they help to enable the Forces family to thrive.
Many thanks!