"Budgy Boys" is a group of individuals from Cornwall who are embarking on an incredible journey to support the Multiple Sclerosis Society. On August 13, 2024, they will be taking on the daunting challenge of conquering the 3 Peaks in 24 Hours.
This personal trek is not for the faint of heart. With a total distance of 23 miles and an elevation gain of 3064m, it's a true test of physical and mental endurance. But these determined souls are taking it one step further to make a lasting impact.
In their quest to raise funds for this fantastic charity, "Budgy Boys" will be completing the entire challenge wearing nothing but Budgy Smugglers. Yes, you read that right! They're stripping down to their swimwear to grab attention and boost donations.
Every contribution matters, no matter how big or small. Their initial target is £3,000, and with your support, they can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by multiple sclerosis.
Follow their journey on Instagram @budgyboys_3_peaks and witness their dedication firsthand. They would like to extend a massive thank you to their sponsors: Headlines Hairdressers in Launceston, Budgy Smuggler, HiLine, and Adrenalin Quarry.
By donating through JustGiving, you can rest assured that your details are safe and secure. JustGiving will never sell them or send unwanted emails. Your donation will go directly to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, making it the most efficient way to contribute - saving time and cutting costs for the charity.
Join "Budgie Boys" in their mission to make a difference. Together, we can create positive change for those living with multiple sclerosis.