Cedar Capital Team Leeds

Team Fundraiser for Motor Neurone Disease Association & Rob Borrows Leeds Marathon

Fundraising for Motor Neurone Disease Association
raised of £40,000 target
by 452 supporters
Event: Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon 2024, on 12 May 2024
The Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon will take place on Sunday 12 May 2024 and has been inspired by former Leeds Rhinos captain, Kevin Sinfield OBE, and his fundraising challenges in recent years in support of his friend and team mate Rob Burrow.


Join the Fight Against Motor Neurone Disease!


Welcome to our fundraising page dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND). We believe that every small act of kindness contributes to a larger impact, and together, we can bring hope to individuals and their families facing the challenges of this debilitating condition.

Our Story:

Last year our lives were touched by the harsh reality of MND when our colleague and friend, Christian Youens, lost his battle with MND. Witnessing the impact of this disease firsthand inspired us to take action and create positive change. Now, we're on a mission to raise awareness and funds to support those living with MND and to fund crucial research for a cure. We have assembled a team of Christian’s colleagues, family members, friends and hotel industry partners and we will run the Rob Burrows Leeds Marathon in May 2024.

Why MND?

Motor Neutrone Disease is a relentless condition that affects countless lives worldwide. Individuals diagnosed with MND face progressive loss of motor functions, impacting their ability to walk, talk, eat, and even breathe. By supporting this cause, you're not just contributing to medical research; you're offering hope to families affected by this devastating disease. Approximately 5,000 people in the UK suffer from MND, to use the words of the late Doddie Weir “Motor Nurone Disease is not incurable its just under funded”.

Our Goal:

We've set a fundraising goal of £25,000 for the MND Association these funds will be used for patient care, fund research initiatives, and raise awareness. Every pound brings us one step closer to a world without MND, where individuals can live their lives free from the constraints of this relentless disease.

How You Can Help:

Donate: Your generous contribution will directly impact the lives of those affected by MND. No amount is too small, and every donation brings us closer to our goal.

Share: Spread the word about our campaign! Share this page with your friends, family, and social networks to raise awareness and encourage others to join the cause.

Thank you for your generosity and compassion. Let's make a positive impact together!

About the campaign

The Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon will take place on Sunday 12 May 2024 and has been inspired by former Leeds Rhinos captain, Kevin Sinfield OBE, and his fundraising challenges in recent years in support of his friend and team mate Rob Burrow.

About the charity

The MND Association focuses on improving access to care, research and campaigning for those living with or affected by MND in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. If you or a loved one need practical or emotional support, call our Connect Helpline on 0808 802 6262, Mon to Fri between 10am and 4pm.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £7,860.16 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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