The next opportunity to help us is by sponsoring Martha and I to complete the Camino Portugués. Yes, we are really going to try to walk 160km in 8 days - small fry for some we know! We know will be inundated with applications from Ntafufu students during our amazing time in South Africa and are determined to offer the opportunity for 12 of them to Broaden Their Horizons through visiting London and the Urswick School next year.
But we need your help! Please give as much as you can to support us and to give us the incentive we need to make it all the way to Santiago de Compostela by foot!
If you would like a reminder of what we do and why we do it, please have a look at our recent posts:
facebook @broadenouttheirhorizons
instagram @bothcharity
twitter @sharedifference
Thanks hugely to everyone for your support!