OBRIENBIKES is raising money for the CITIZENS ADVICE CHESHIRE NORTH (CACN) hardship fund. Chief Mechanic, Peter O'Brien, who is also Chair of CACN, will be tackling the famous Vatternrundan 315k cycle ride around Lake Vattern in southern Sweden overnight on 15th June 2024...with a target to ride 3000k by then, starting November 2023. CACN is an independent charity staffed mainly by volunteers, providing help and support to the people of Knutsford and the surrounding area. The CACN hardship fund is used to provide financial assistance to those most in need, most particularly with those struggling to pay their fuel bills. Any contribution will make a great impact in supporting local people and the work of CACN, whether you donate a lot or a little. Anything helps. Many thanks. FOR MORE DETAILS..OR TO ARRANGE A BIKE SERVICE OR REPAIR, SEE MY WEBSITE: