On the 2nd November, Bex Oxtoby went into premature labour with triplets. Warrington hospital safely delivered her babies at just 29 weeks gestation.
Charlie, Gracie and Amelie are currently receiving exceptional care on the neonatal intensive care unit at Warrington hospital, with an expected 11 week stay ahead of them.

The care has been second to none, and the family are desperate to thank the staff by providing funds to renovate their tired, overlooked staff room, as well as providing a well-needed update to the family room; where parents go to eat during their long visits on the ward.

Furthermore, some families who live far from the unit have the option to stay on site to be with their baby/babies. The bedroom available is also in desperate need of a renovation to provide a safe, calm and welcoming space at a very difficult time.
All money raised is to go directly to the neonatal unit at Warrington hospital. Any additional funds raised beyond the amount required for the family areas and staff room will go to continuing to support the unit as the staff see fit.