The fragility fracture service at UHNM is the 5th largest in the country. We treat a complex and frail group of patients. Over the last 2 years we have made significant improvements in the service such as dedicated theatre list, team of advanced nurse practitioners, a team of geriatricians and a multidisciplinary team on the ward.
The trust is lacking in a inpatient pain management pathway for fragility fractures. The money we raise from our charity run will fund for an dedicated ultrasound machine and train our ward based staff to deliver pain blocks and improve perioperative pain management.
The ultrasound machine will be based on Ward 225 and will provide rapid access to pain relief and pain blocks for our patient group.
Please support Aspiring Advanced Nurse Practitioner Niamh Cooper, Junior Sister Charlotte Lucas and Fragility Fracture lead Sid Govilkar.
The whole fragility fracture service will be grateful for your generosity.
To quote Josiah Wedgewood:
"To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honours."