
Send a Cow is a force for change in rural Africa. We help people grow their own futures – on their own land, on their own terms. Our African-designed solutions were developed with, and for, the communities we support. We provide long-term training in sustainable farming, gender equality and business skills. With Send a Cow training, families get back the skills and confidence they need to get the most from their land. Once families can grow enough food and earn a living, they can go after their dreams – just like you.
The British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) have undertaken some amazing fundraising for Send a Cow over the last few years, including successfully raising over £50k during their 50th Anniversary Year!
BCVA president, David Barrett, suggested that some delegates might like to take part in the Southport Park Run, which takes place during BCVA Congress...
Daniella (BVA president) suggested to James (BVA JVP & BCVA Board Member) and Simon (BVA SVP & Send a Cow Trustee) that we could bolster the BCVA effort... by running in fancy-dress - what could go wrong? More details on our outfits will be released imminently!
In the meantime, please join us in our support of Send a Cow by making a donation - THANK YOU!
#HopeMeansFuture #TeamVet #TeamBVA #OneVeterinaryCommunity
Team members (2)
- £125 of £1,000
- £946 of £1,000