The CelSol team have been working from home for many months now, and especially at this time of year we’re very sad to be apart and of course missing the usual celebrations…
BUT we’re feeling positive about the new year ahead, and January 2021 will see us united, burning off the Christmas calories on a Himalayan mission...
On Tuesday 26th January, 20 keen climbers will be scaling various steps, stairs and slopes in an effort to collectively reach the height of the world’s tallest mountain (29,029ft)!
Our target is to raise £5000 total across the following main charities:
Chestnut Tree House
Clocktower Sanctuary
Cellular Solutions will also match the first £2,000 raised across the team.
We know times are tough for many at the moment, but we'd love if you can contribute whatever you can towards these charities that are making a real difference to the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.
Thank you!