From 6-10th September a group of Straumann customers and staff will take part in a Charity Bike ride across Spain covering 500 miles in 5 days. The group will cycle Coast to Coast across Northern Spain from Bilbao to Sitges.
They will aim to raise £1,500 each towards our overall fundraising goal of £75,000 for our chosen charity Dentaid UK.
Dentaid is a charity that works tirelessly to increase access to dental care for the most vulnerable people in our communities. Their patients include people experiencing homelessness, head and neck cancer patients, refugees and asylum seekers, looked after children, fishing communities and victims of domestic violence. Their mobile dental units visit hostels, days centres, soup kitchens and community buildings with volunteer dental professionals providing free oral health advice, check-ups and pain-relieving treatments. Since the pandemic demand for their services has skyrocketed and more vulnerable people are suffering the misery of untreated toothache than ever before. The Straumann Charity Bike Ride will help Dentaid purchase a new mobile dental unit so we can visit more communities across the UK.
Team members (43)
- £14,525 of £10,000
- £3,515 of £1,500
- £3,492 of £1,500
- £3,261 of £1,500
- £3,107 of £1,500