We, Patrick Magro SJ, Sarah and Andrew Meli, Lisa Muscat and Francesca Montalto will be running the April 2023 London Marathon in aid of Jesuit Missions UK.

What's more, Fr Patrick will be running all 42km in the Jesuit Missions UK's traditional Womble costume - sheer madness! But all for a great cause!
Jesuit Missions UK stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world. This may be responding to emergency disasters, providing both immediate and long-term relief, working alongside those who are rejected from society due to disease or caste, supporting refugees and those living in areas affected by climate change or war.
Jesuit Missions supports projects all over the world to benefit the most vulnerable communities.We strive to go ‘where the need is greatest’ and to that end we also respond to emergency situations and offer relief in times of disaster.
Jesuit Missions UK are involved in 34 different projects across 21 countries. They focus on 5 regions: Latin America | Southern Africa | East Africa | West & Central Asia | South Asia.
Thank you for your support!
Team members (5)
- €5,808 of €5,000
- €1,960 of €2,000
- €1,942 of €200
- €1,177 of €2,000