Lynne Iliakis

Jacaranda 's page

Fundraising for Homes In Zimbabwe
raised of £2,000 target
by 102 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Participants: Lynne Rushforth, Charlene Johnson, Lindsey Dodds, Shaun Jarvis
Homes In Zimbabwe

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1104512


We did it!!!!!  Lindsey swam 1.5k in 0:49:53 , Shaun Kayaked 5k in 0:44:22, Charlene cycled 30k in 2:00:41 (that was with a puncture and a change of bike and rider - Kevan Johnson- Charlene's hubby finished off the last lap as poor Charlene was so ill with a bad cold and was struggling to breathe) and Lynne ran 10k in 0:57:51 -  It was the most fantastic day and we want to thank everyone who came along and supported us.  We would also like to thank everyone who sponsored us and if you haven't done so yet, it is just one click!  This is the most amazing charity and they do the most fantastic work for the elderley in Zimbabwe - I (Lynne) am definitely doing this challenge again next year and raising money for Homes in Zimbabwe again!!!!!

Homes In Zimbabwe registered as a UK charity in 2004.

This year, we aim to feed 1700 frail, elderly in Harare, Bulawayo and other towns around Zimbabwe. Without Homes In Zimbabwe's support many would starve.

The Zimbabwean economy has collapsed. The former national currency has been replaced by US$ and the South African Rand. As a result local pensions and savings have no value. Now there is food in the shops but it is priced in US$, prohibitively expensive and out of reach for most old people. Families have been split apart and many forced to flee the country. Hundreds of elderly have been left behind; alone, destitute and without enough to eat.

Homes In Zimbabwe provides food to 28 residential homes. It runs a soup kitchen and supports SOAP (Save Our Aged People) in Harare and Bulawayo; a network of volunteers who deliver food parcels to elderly people struggling to survive in their own homes.

In addition Homes In Zimbabwe also supplies fuel for stand-by generators at a number of residential homes, a vital resource with frequent power cuts. Boreholes driven by generators are often the only source of water available.

We aim to feed 1700 elderly people – with your help we will. Come to an event, get involved in fundraising, make a donation, tell your friends and family. Whatever you do your support is always appreciated and it will make a real difference to someone struggling to survive.

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So please dig deep and donate now.

About the charity

Homes In Zimbabwe

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1104512
Homes In Zimbabwe is a UK registered charity that provides food and fuel to impoverished elderly people in Zimbabwe. HIZ has fed over 3,000 frail elderly people since its launch.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £427.31 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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