Thank you for your support and visiting this page.
Over 5,000 donors have helped to raise over £285,000 (inc Gift Aid) for LSTM's #BumpItForward campaign to buy vital PPE and equipment for healthcare workers in African countries.
Working with our overseas staff and partners we have distributed funds to provide over 1.3 million items of PPE and equipment.
Give a boost
As the booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine continues to roll out across the UK, were calling for your help again.
It is estimated that less than 10% of the population on the African continent have been fully vaccinated.
The pandemic continues to put already fragile health systems under considerable pressure, and new variants emerging risk them becoming overburdened again, when they have not yet recovered from the impact of previous waves.
Help us protect healthcare workers in African countries by sharing this campaign with your friends and family, or by 'boosting your donation to purchase vital PPE and basic equipment so they are better prepared to support their communities.
Please help by donating the cost of your vaccine or whatever you can.
To find out more, click here:
A huge thanks to Icon Creative Design for their support and generosity throughout the Bump it Forward campaign.
If you would like to sign up for regular updates about this campaign, please click here:
June 22nd 2022:
'Grand Gold' for Bump It Forward!
Amazing news today! Our Bump It Forward campaign has won Grand Gold in the international Circle of Excellence competition of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). A Grand Gold Award is the highest level of recognition in the program. Grand Gold Awards are rare, and only one is given per category.
The success of this campaign is down to you, our amazing supporters so thank you to everyone who donated or shared!
June 10th 2022:
Your donations continue to make an impact, almost 18 month since Bump it Forward was launched.
Working with our partners in Uganda, your donations have supported an additional two local hospitals (Mulago and Kiruddu National Referral Hospitals) and an NGO, (WALIMU), by providing PPE and basic supplies for healthcare workers.
Dr. Nathan Kenya-Mugisha, Executive Director, WALIMU, wanted to share a message with you:
We would like to wholeheartedly thank you colleagues for your generous contributions. Your donations are very important to us, it helps the continuity of our mission to empower health workers to address local health problems in innovative ways in order to transform patient care and improve outcomes.

January 21st 2022:
Today marks one year since we launched the Bump it Forward campaign. Your response has been incredible and we want to thank you all for your support.
LSTM's Director, Professor David Lalloo has written an open letter to express his thanks. Read the letter here .

January 10th 2022:
Your donations continue to make a huge difference!
Over 5,000 donors helped to raise over a quarter of a million pounds to support healthcare workers across seven countries across Africa - THANK YOU!
Here we can see healthcare workers treating patients in a hospital in Malawi, wearing PPE paid for through your generosity.

November 30th 2021:
Its #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving and we want to take the opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has donated to the #BumpItForward campaign.
Thousands of you have already supported us, helping us raise over £268,000 to purchase over 1.3 million items of vital PPE and basic equipment for healthcare workers in African Countries.
November 25th 2021:
Thanks to the generosity of over 5,000 donors, #BumpItForward continues to raise funds to buy vital PPE and equipment for healthcare workers across Africa.
Working with our overseas partners we have distributed funds to provide over 1.3 million items of PPE and basic equipment.
Thank you to everyone who has donated and those who have given again after receiving their booster dose of the vaccine.

August 27th 2021: We want to say thank you to all our generous donors who have given to the Bump it Forward campaign so far. You are all amazing!
Our colleague, Lucy Nyaga, Kenya Country Director at LSTM wanted to share this message with you:
On Behalf of LSTM Kenya and that of our partners across the country, we wish to express our sincere gratitude for the support you have provided us. Through your generous donations, LSTM Kenya has purchased and supplied PPE to 25 health facilities across Kenya. The PPE provided from your donations have gone a long way in providing protection to Kenyan frontline healthcare workers and by extension patients they take care of. For this, we are truly grateful!
As many countries struggle with a third wave of #COVID19 we are asking for your help to protect healthcare workers across Africa.
By supporting #BumpitForward we can provide urgently needed rapid diagnostic tests and more PPE to help control the spread and protect health workers, and communities, until the vaccine reaches them.
August 20th 2021: Earlier this week PPE for use by health care workers in Freetown Sierra Leone arrived following donations to LSTMs Bump it Forward campaign. Read the full story here.

July 27th 2021: We have worked in Western Kenya for several decades and this is the worst healthcare crisis we have seen since then. - Prof Feiko ter Kuile, Chair in Tropical Epidemiology at LSTM.
Listen to Prof ter Kuile and Dr Hellen Barsosio, Research Scientist, KEMRI Centre for Global Research, explain why they need your support.
As many countries struggle with a third wave of #COVID19 we are asking for your help to protect healthcare workers across Africa.
By supporting #BumpitForward we can provide urgently needed rapid diagnostic tests and more PPE to help control the spread and protect health workers, and communities, until the vaccine reaches them.
July 23rd 2021: Our latest blog from Dr Ivan Namakoola is now live! Read Dr Ivan's experience of delivering PPE, paid for with your donations, to healthcare workers across Uganda. Read more...

July 6th 2021: we are being overwhelmed. We are running out of supplies, and this includes test kits that we need to use to confirm COVID infections.
Dr Dickens Onyango, Senior Assistant Medical Director, Kisumu County, tells us what the current pandemic situation is like in #Kenya.
You can help. Donating the cost of a vaccine (c£25) will cover four tests and help to save lives.
June 25th 2021: Dr Hellen Barsosio, Clinical Research Scientist, KEMRI Centre for Global Health Research in Kenya, tells us why your donations to the #BumpItForward campaign are desperately needed.
Rapid diagnostic testing and more PPE will help control the spread and protect health workers and communities until the vaccine reaches them.
You can help. Donating the cost of a vaccine (c£25) will cover four tests and help to save lives.
June 23rd 2021: LSTMs public fundraising campaign Bump it Forward is calling for additional support to purchase urgently needed rapid diagnostic tests.
LSTMs partners and colleagues overseas are again reporting shortages of supplies, including urgently needed rapid diagnostics tests, which help to determine rates of COVID-19 infection in staff and patients. In Kenya, there is fresh talk of further healthcare worker strikes due to the lack of PPE and essential equipment to keep them safe. Read the full news update here.

June 14th 2021: Working with our overseas partners has proven critical to the successful distribution of PPE, paid for through your support. This image highlights the challenges of working in rural, remote settings. The rainy season in Liberia has damaged roads and is making it difficult to reach the healthcare facilities, not only to deliver PPE, but for those seeking medical treatment. As you can see, our partners are dedicated to get the equipment out to those who need it - no matter what barriers they face!

May 20th 2021: Your Bump it Forward donations continue to make a huge difference.
LSTM's REDRESS team have been working hard to deliver PPE, purchased with your donations, to rural health clinics across Liberia. Elijah N. Kanneh, Acting Officer-in-Charge at the Konia Health Centre, wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support.
May 20th 2021: At a handover ceremony in Kenya on International Nurses Day, over 18,000 boxes of surgical masks, and 7,000 face shields were received by the Ministry of Health for use by healthcare professionals in five counties across Kenya. Click here to read the full story!
May 12th, 2021: Our latest blog from Dr Charles Ameh, Lucy Nyaga and Duncan Shikuku, who explain how COVID-19 has impacted healthcare workers in Kenya and how the Bump it Forward campaign is playing a key role: click here.

April 30th, 2021: Zeela Zaizay, Country Manager for LSTMs REDRESS Programme, and his team have been delivering PPE, purchased with Bump It Forward donations, to rural health clinics across Liberia. He wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all your support! For all the latest updates visit:
April 24th, 2021: Here we see Robin Carter, the President of the Rotary Club of Southport Links, present Karen Brady, Director of Fundraising at LSTM, with a cheque for £1,500 towards the Bump it Forward Campaign. Thank you to all the Rotary members who donated to our campaign!

10th April, 2021: Our latest Bump it Forward newsletter is out now!
Read about the impact the donations from over 4,000 donors are having on healthcare workers across Africa!
6th April, 2021: You may have seen the wonderful news that the first doses of the vaccine have reached many African countries earlier this month via the COVAX programme. This is a great and promising step, but it could still be some time before they reach our colleagues and fellow healthcare workers, so the campaign is still playing a vital role in keeping them safe until then.
Lucy Nyaga, Kenya Country Director at LSTM, tells us why the Bump it Forward continues to play a key role in supporting healthcare workers in Africa by providing funds to purchase PPE and basic equipment until the vaccine reaches them!
1st April, 2021: Thank you! Thank you more than 4,000 times!
The Bump it Forward campaign has received support from over 4,000 generous donors. We keep saying it but we simply cannot thank you enough.

29th March, 2021: Donations in action story - "Bump it Forward campaign makes further PPE donations in 6 African countries"

25th March, 2021: Read our latest blog by Dr Jamie Rylance Look up! where he tells us about his time on the COVID wards in Malawi and how the 'Bump it Forward' campaign is making a difference by supporting healthcare workers.
We have been so fortunate to be able to source sufficient PPE, with help from the #BumpItForward campaign. With this strong foundation, healthcare workers and support staff are working in an environment where they feel safe.
Click below to read the full story!
Thanks to your amazing support, the #BumpitForward campaign has been able to provide over 149,000 items of PPE and 8,400 litres of sanitizer to 39 public health facilities throughout Zimbabwe.
Images here show PPE and equipment being delivered to the healthcare facilities across #Zimbabwe by LSTMs CeSHHAR team.
At the Kadoma District Hospital, healthcare workers indicated that the second wave of #COVID19 was hard for them. They recorded 58 COVID-19 positive cases amongst the hospitals healthcare workers. Despite everyone recovering, the periods of ill health impacted negatively on their workforce as they experienced shortages of staff.
Your continued support means that we can protect even more healthcare workers across Africa until the COVID-19 vaccine fully reaches them.

11th March, 2021: Your response to the Bump It Forward campaign continues to blow us away! We have now raised over £174,000 which is incredible we couldn't have done this without you!
Around 30,000 piece of PPE has now been distributed to help protect healthcare workers in Africa. The image here shows Dr. Fumbani, Dr. Dingase, Dr. Chanizya and Dr. Gordon in Malawi wearing pink PPE, in recognition of International Womens day celebrated this week, paid for with your donations.

3rd March, 2021: Over the past week there have been some key developments in the campaign.
Our colleagues in Zimbabwe have overseen the first donation of £10,000 which was used to procure PPE for 9 public health facilities: Mbare Hostels Clinic in Harare, St Marys Clinic in Chitungwiza, Mucheke Clinic in Masvingo, Karoi District Hospital in Karoi, Victoria Falls District Hospital in Victoria Falls, Sakubva Clinic in Mutare, Kadoma General Hospital in Kadoma, Chipinge District Hospital in Chipinge and Vengere Clinic in Rusape. PPE distributed included surgical gowns and face masks, face shields, sanitiser and sodium hypochlorite.
Primrose Matambanadzo, Programme Director for the Key Populations at CeSHHAR Zimbabwe, said "These facilities support our work in delivering services to vulnerable communities in a difficult environment. They continue to provide services with inadequate supply of PPE and are really grateful to receive these donations to supplement what the Government of Zimbabwe is able to provide."

We were featured on North West Tonight on 26 February - you can see the video below.

26th February 2021: Healthcare workers perform the vital role of caring for patients as a second COVID-19 wave has hit many African countries. This image shows a patient recovered from COVID-19 in Malawi, with healthcare workers wearing PPE that was purchased using funds raised through the Bump It Forward campaign.
Your continued support means that we can protect even more healthcare workers across Africa until the COVID-19 vaccine reaches them.
17 Feb 2021: We were delighted to reach the £100,000 mark and want to thank everyone who has supported this incredible achievement. Those donations are already being put to work, but the need is huge, and the response has given us the confidence to be even more ambitious.
With further support, we can significantly increase our scope and impact. Please help us by donating the equivalent cost of a COVID-19 vaccine, or anything you can, to protect health workers in African countries until the vaccine reaches them.

16th February, 2021: How your donations to Bump It Forward campaign are making an impact in Africa...
The Bump It Forward fundraising campaign has received over £100,000 in donations from the public and businesses so far to help protect frontline health workers in Africa.
The image above shows Sr Magombo (lead nurse for medicine department) and Rachael Burke (PhD student and clinician who runs one of the research and clinical studies) at Zomba Central Hospital.
Rachael said, "the hospital is doing a great job, providing quality, safe and dignified care in difficult circumstances. Like in the UK, they have had staff shortages related to staff testing positive for COVID which has made things all the more difficult. The senior nurses have designed a protocol to make best use of reusable gowns and use Zomba hospital laundry services. They are very grateful to receive the PPE donation.
I have worked at Zomba for the past 18 months and they have been brilliantly supportive partners in MLW-led research into reducing deaths from sepsis and HIV associated TB, so it is a pleasure to be able to support our partners when they are in need of PPE at this time."
10th February, 2021: In case you missed Professor Melita Gordon and Dr Fumbani Limani from Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme on BBC Radio Merseyside last week, and our our social media channels, here is their interview explaining the situation in Malawi.
You can also follow updates on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
8th February, 2021: Over the weekend you helped the Bump It Forward campaign reach £65,000! this is incredible, thank you all so much. LSTMs new Chair, Jim McKenna, wanted to share his thanks for all your support. With thanks to the generosity of individuals, the campaign has received overwhelming support, and we believe can raise more. We have now set ourselves a new target of £100,000! You can help us reach our new target by donating to the campaign or by helping us spread the word by sharing this post! Once again, thank you to you all, we could not have done it without you!
5th February, 2021: We are so close to reaching £65,000 which is just amazing! LSTMs Director of Fundraising, Karen Brady, would like to thank you all for your incredible support for the Bump It Forward campaign. Help us reach £65,000 by donating the equivalent cost of a vaccine, to protect health workers in some of the most fragile health systems in Africa. Alternatively help us spread the word by sharing this post. #BumpItForward...Give £25...Save Lives
1st February, 2021: WOW! WOW! WOW! We have smashed through our £50,000 stretch target. Thank you, once more, for your support; for donating and sharing and for your kind and encouraging words! Primrose Matambanadzo, Programme Director for Key Populations Programme at CeSHHAR in Zimbabwe, tells us why your donations to the #BumpItForward campaign are desperately needed. We feel confident that we can keep on raising vital funds and feel encouraged to keep stretching the target to get funds out, to purchase vital equipment, to those who need it most. THANK YOU!
29th January, 2021: Just 8 days after launching the campaign, you wonderful and generous people have helped us achieve the halfway mark of of our stretch target - £25,000! We are simply humbled by the gesture of solidarity that you have shown for colleagues in Africa. Please do keep sharing and spreading the news about the campaign. You can keep up to date with the campaign by visiting our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. THANK YOU!
(Listen to Dr Jamie Rylance talk to Tony Snell, on Radio Merseyside, about how your donations will make an impact)
25th January, 2021: WOW! What can we say, except for THANK YOU for your wonderful generosity. We have smashed through our trial target of £10,000 in less than four days and we couldn't be more grateful. We will be facilitating a transfer of £10,000 to our colleagues in Malawi in the next couple of days to purchase the most urgent essentials. Due to the overwhelming response, we have decided to add a stretch target of £50,000 which will help us broaden our support and do even more. Please, keep sharing and supporting the campaign. Every amount, no matter how big or small, will help to save lives. THANK YOU!
22nd January, 2021: In just under 24hrs, we have surpassed the £3,000 mark and we cannot thank you enough. Dr Jamie Rylance, one of our colleagues based in Malawi, explains here why your donations are so urgently needed. Thank you!