
In the early hours of 6 February, Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team was called out to assist wild campers on Red Screes above Kirkstone, near Ambleside. One of the campers believed he was suffering from a serious medical condition.
While the Team were making their way to the casualty, Chris fell down a steep slope, sustaining life-changing injuries.
Chris was given immediate medical attention by fellow team members and airlifted to hospital. After a lengthy period in intensive care, Chris was transferred to The North West Regional Spinal Injuries Centre in Southport, where he has started rehabilitation.
Chris is one of 40 volunteers in Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team, drawn from all walks of life and a wide range of ages. The Team typically responds to about 70 incidents a year, usually, but not always, with less tragic consequences.
The severity of Chris's injuries can not be over-stated; he will remain wheelchair-bound and need significant support for the rest of his life.
Here is the BBC Coverage
We are extremely grateful for the donations received to date and have been overwhelmed by the scale of the publics generosity. The many messages received have conveyed respect for the risks undertaken by those volunteers, like Chris, delivering emergency services, and a heartfelt recognition of the severity of Chriss injuries and their life-long impact on Chris and his family.
Chris remains in a specialist spinal injuries unit and is undergoing intensive rehabilitation therapies. We are looking forward to his return home but it is not yet clear when that will be possible.
The funds raised so far will make a major contribution to the significant costs of extensive modifications to Chriss family home, a specialist vehicle, wheelchairs and care. Thank you for all you have done to support this work.
Further online donations are very welcome. Cheques can also be sent to the LDSAMRA Treasurer using the address details on the LDSAMRA website . Please make any cheque payable to LDSAMRA or Lake District Search And Mountain Rescue Association and make clear that the donation is for the Chris Lewis Support Fund. Thanks.