Pete's Dragons

The Dragons Drop 2024

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with Pete's Dragons as we present the Dragons Drop Abseil from the iconic Meldon Viaduct on Sunday 14th April 2024.
raised of £3,000 target
by 906 supporters
RCN 1187394

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The Dragons Drop Abseil - Sunday 14th April 2024

Nestled amidst the rolling hills, Meldon Viaduct stands as a silent guardian of history and natural beauty. As participants gear up for the Dragons Drop Abseil adventure, they are not merely conquering heights; they are embracing the majesty of a landmark that has witnessed the passage of time.

The Dragons Drop Abseil isn't just a physical descent; it's a journey into the realms of inner strength and courage, where each step down represents a commitment to overcoming personal challenges.

In the shadow of the viaduct, a vibrant community will gather - united by a shared purpose.

"This event brings people together in a way that words can't express. It's not just about the descent; it's about the ascent of support we provide to those in need. This is more than just an adventure; it's a purpose-driven mission - Lindsey Barry, Fundraiser at Pete's Dragons

The abseil itself is being run by the lovely people at Adventure Okehampton so rest assured you will be in very good hands!

Haven't signed up yet but ready to take on the challenge? Join us for the Dragons Drop Abseil and become part of a movement breaking barriers and fostering hope. To register just drop us an email at

If you have already let us know you'd like to take part and we have confirmed your place via email please make your £30 deposit payment (per person) to this page. After this please set up your own personal JustGiving page by pressing the "Start fundraising" button above, by doing this we can keep a running total of our collective donations.

Online donations are the easiest way of collecting your funds (and they automatically collect GiftAid on our behalf!), however if you do get offline donations you can simply bank these to your personal account and add them to your page yourself.

Funds raised through Dragons Drop directly contribute to our mission of supporting those affected by suicide bereavement. Your participation fuels hope and healing.

The success of Dragons Drop relies on the power of community. Spread your wings and share the campaign across your networks. Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join or contribute. Let's amplify our collective impact.

Dragons Drop Abseil isn't just an event; it's a symbol of rising from the depths and embracing a world where no one faces the challenges of suicide bereavement alone. Join us at Meldon Viaduct on the 14th April, and let's create a future where hope prevails.

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About the charity

Pete's Dragons

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1187394
Created via charity sign up service.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £3,499.02 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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